
From the Moon and back. Encouragement: a trip of love and dedication

It can be like stepping on a spaceship to the moon and back fostering when you take on the role as a foster parent. You can be on solid ground one moment, then navigating through the cosmos the next. There is no manual or automatic navigation system. Just the heart, full of love, hope and perhaps a little fear.

Imagine a stranger in your home. You don’t even know who they are. It’s a bit like hosting an alien. Culture shock, communication barriers and mutual hesitation are all present. There’s magic to be found in those first awkward moments. Remember the time Timmy timidly handed you his broken toy in a shy gesture? Remember when Sarah scrawled a note of thanks in a wobbly writing? Even though they are small, these moments are significant. These instances show how trust is built up over time, like moon dust.

The conversations that were once sparse and stilted, now flow. You might be chatting about stars with your foster child one night while you are stargazing in your backyard. Perhaps they want to share their dream of becoming an astronaut or maybe they simply want to discuss their favorite ice-cream. These moments will reward you with a constellation of stars.

Not every day is filled up with stars. There are also black holes – moments of frustration, anxiety, or even sadness. When your foster child was angry without apparent cause, or when they were crying themselves to sleep. These moments can be a burden to your spirit. What anchors you? You know that you are their moon and their home, in this vast, chaotic universe of life.

Have you ever had a rocket misfire? Foster parenting can be a bit like that. You may have days when your plans fall apart and you find yourself eating cereal instead of the spaghetti that you prepared in an hour. There are also weeks where school meetings, medical appointments and emotional meltdowns become your new norm. It’s chaotic and messy but so worth it.

It’s not all roses or moon dust. You will have to deal with endless paperwork, visits from social workers, and bureaucratic redtape. Imagine yourself knee-deep in paperwork, with half of it making no sense. Your phone rings and the school asks for a parent-teacher urgent meeting. What was your first thought? “Can’t you just leave me alone on the moon !?”. Another foster parent gave me the best advice: “Dance through the rain, it will make the sun feel even better.” It’s not corny at all.

It can be surprising comforting to meet other foster parents. Sharing battle stories with a cup coffee can feel like fueling your spaceship. You may hear of a dad who stayed up all night comforting a crying child or about a mother baking cookies for her foster child because the scent of cookies signifies safety. These stories are not only inspiring, but they also remind you that you are not alone on this cosmic journey.

Humor helps, too. You know, like the time when you accidentally set off your fire alarm while trying to make a new recipe and sent the dog into a barking rage and your foster children into fits of laughter? Your foster son may have decided that your family cat needed to be a spaceship, made from aluminum foil and cardboard boxes. These memories become family legend.

This path requires you to embrace your imperfections. It’s all about showing up and giving it another shot, even if you are exhausted. It’s possible that you don’t feel prepared or equipped, just like an astronaut who is training in a simulation environment only to discover space is much more unpredictable. It’s not about being perfect, but rather to be present.

Fostering is ultimately a journey. There will be bumps and detours. Sometimes, there may even be a crash landing. This is a journey of love that’s unpolished, real and marked by tiny, sparkling moments. Even though it is intimidating, the night sky is stunning. In the midst of celestial darkness your role as a fostering parent will shine brightly. It is a beacon for unwavering love and hope.

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